Leadership and Teaching

Professional Learning is the term used to describe career long developmental opportunities undertaken by the education profession, which improve individual practice, a school’s collective effectiveness and the wider education system.

We offer a wide range of professional learning to support all staff including leaders, teachers and those that assist teachers, on their career pathways which helps develop a high-quality workforce.

The regional professional offer supports the realisation of our curriculum for Wales, supports the development of the schools as learning organisation dimensions and the professional teaching and leadership standards and assessment arrangements. It focuses on the following four national key enabling objectives of: Developing a high-quality education profession; Inspirational leaders working collaboratively to raise standards; Strong and inclusive schools committed to excellence, equity and well-being; and robust assessment, evaluation and accountability arrangements supporting a self-improving system.

To find out more please visit our Supporting our Schools Site (SOSS), to find a broad range of information, guidance and resources for practitioners across the region.

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